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What are the crest collectable?

by:Noble Awards     2021-01-05
Many badges enthusiasts initially badge collection may be crest, from primary school to university, through the exchange with your classmates, together is the wide variety of crest. Crest collection can be divided into three categories: primary school crest, secondary school, university college school crest. Because of the economic strength, often university college school crest, no matter in the badge design, or on the badge making craft, has the very high collection value. Crest collection there are so few characteristics: crest with strong artistic aesthetic feeling, words are mostly on the crest by famous artists; Crest well-made, has a very high appreciation value; There are tens of thousands of schools, school crest collection will not be easy, collectors can get through purchase, exchange, etc. Crest of collection value is often proportional to the influence of the school, especially the Beijing university, tsinghua university, fudan university and other well-known colleges and universities, owner will not easily transfer in general. Many badge factory see crest water rises, for small batch production, and then selling them to collectors, while expensive, is round collectors dream. More crest custom: http://www. ysgou。 com/Products/xxhzdzxhzz。 超文本标记语言
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